ou may not have known that there are certain situations in which Grandparents CAN have court ordered rights to see their grandchildren, even over a parent’s objection. For instance, if a parent is employed by the U.S. Military and receives military orders, such as deployment, which will make it impossible for that parent to exercise his or her timesharing for at least 90 days, then that parent is permitted to designate a grandparent or other fit person to exercise that timesharing in the military parent’s place. There are other circumstances as well, for instance, if one parent is deceased, missing, or in a persistent vegetative state, and the other parent is convicted or a felony or otherwise a danger to the child, then grandparents may have a right to custody or timesharing with the child. Contact the Law Office of Summer R. Nichols today for your FREE consultation, to help determine whether YOU may have rights to your grandchildren.

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