Your Petition for Dissolution of Marriage is the initial document filed in your case which states you are requesting a divorce. Your Petition is your one chance to make any other requests you have, such as for alimony and attorney’s fees. If your Petition is not correct and complete, you could forever lose the right to make certain requests.
For instance, when asking for alimony, ask for any and all forms of alimony just to be on the safe side. A specific example: anunrepresented individual can easily make the mistake of asking for “bridge-the-gap” alimony only, when he or she could be entitled to a better type of alimony. By statute, bridge-the-gap alimony cannot be awarded for a period exceeding 24 months. This is just one example of why it is so important to retain a family law attorney to draft all important case documents for you.
The Law Office of Summer R. Nichols is experienced and knowledgable regarding all types of alimony, all other issues involved in a divorce,and ensuring your Petiton is filed correctly and completely.