An administrative child support action is different from a circuit court child support action. An administrative child support action is based on your paternity having already been established by the appearance of your name on a child’s birth certificate, even if you were never married to the mother or have ever had a court order confirming your paternity. An administrative action establishes child support is a more automatic way than a regular court case.
If you are served with administrative child support paperwork, you should immediately file a petition in circuit court to have your child support case, non-paternity claims, or any related matters heard in full before the Court! Serving the Department of Revenue with that petition will HALT the administrative child support process! This can even be done by plain U.S. MAIL.
Contact the Law Office of Summer R. Nichols to let us take care of this for you properly before you get stuck with a child support amount that is incorrect, or worse, a child support obligation that is for a child who is not yours! There is a deadline in which to do this!
We always do a FREE consultation. Call now: 904.322.7702 or email [email protected].